Jaret McDonald, Jen McDonald and Tonya Mullins with a truckload of water and other items collected today for the firefighters battling the Dog Head Fire. ‘Los Alamos has proved once again to be an amazing community. With very little notice, Famine to Feast was able to collect an overflowing truckload of bottled water for the firefighters supporting the Dog Head Fire. We are humbled by the support from the community,’ Jaret McDonald said. ‘Your donations give this NPO purpose and prove that neighbors can help neighbors, even if we are not from the same town. We all know way too well the toll from a fire. We would like to give special thanks to High Altitude Athletics for providing numerous gallons of water, fresh fruit, chips, cookies and candy. As well as Dan Levings from Smith’s in White Rock for stepping in and providing water for a worthy cause. All funds collected today also will be donated to the Red Cross to aid in their assistance to this fire. Another special thank you to Tonya Mullins for helping Famine to Feast arrange and gather pickups for this cause.’