App coming soon

10463860_1071492802874745_9022312871622349601_oI am sure we have all been there before. You know, when you look at the perfect meal and you know you just have to make it for yourself. In order to make that dish, you have to have good quality ingredients and a great recipe to follow. Well, we are delighted to let you all know that Famine to Feast has done it. We have the recipe and all the quality ingredients to start. We have a few garnishes that we still have to apply but, we have our whole product right in front of us and ready to serve. We are really close to a success story. Thanks to all of you for your support and help! We will have more to come when we will announce our official launch date. We will also be doing another fund raiser soon and hope that many of you will help us to help others. This picture is of what the Famine to Feast App will look like! It will ready to purchase for free from Apple very soon (thanks Michael Ham & Dave Van Etten